The Black Ancestors Awareness Campaign
1841.02.27 Turnpike Act #98 of MO General Assembly
1843.10.23 Robert Patton Farm Sale to John Florsch Floersch(OCR)
1845.02.11 Cooper, Henry Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 21 SE 1_4
1846.03.01 Elley, Robert Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 21 NE 1_4
1846.03.01 Patton, Robert Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 24 NW 1_4
1846.03.01 Vanneman, John Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 20 SW 1_14
1846.03.01 Wilkerson, Hall Land Grant Summary Map
1846.04.01 Lee, William J Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 21 SW 1_4
1846.04.01 Lovelady, James McKee, Melvin Land Grant Summary Map Twn 54 Rng 36 Sec 9 E 1_2 SE 1_4
1846.04.01 Lovelady, Moses Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 NW Sec 20 NW 1_4
1846.04.01 Wilkerson, John Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 20 W 1_2 SE 1_4
1849.10.01 Court Decree Bee Creek to Weston Road Districts without transcription
1849.10.01 Court Decree Bee Creek to Weston Road Districts with transcription
1850.08.00 Platte County Free Inhabitants Census population schedu0410unix p314
1850.08.08 Platte County Slave Census F50_1850_V3_Platte
1850.11.05 Lovelady, Polly Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 20 and 17
1850.11.05 Yocom, Jesse Land Grant Summary Map Twn 53 Rng 35 Sec 20 SW 1_14 Sec 29 NW 1_4
1851.03.03 Missouri Legislature Act Incorporating Weston and Platte City Road Company(OCR)
1851.10.20 Floersch Wilkerson Excerpts from 1897 Paxton Annals
1851.12.01 Floersch Trial Record
1852.02.23 Floersch Farm Mortgage to Doniphan Baldwin(OCR)
1852.03.08 John Floresch Prison Intake Record RG213_NR_B_027
1855.01.13 John Floresch Dies in Prison Penitentiary Record RG213_NR_B_027
1855.05.10 Pro-Slavery Resolutions Buffalo_Courier_Thu__May_10__1855_(OCR)
1855.06.15 Elizabeth Floersch Farm Sale to John E Pitt Twn 53, Rng 35, Sec. 21(OCR)
1856.03.00 Norris sells Tatman 160 acres Twn. 53, Rng 35, Sec 21 Paxtons Annals of Platte County Missouri p. 212(OCR)
1857.11.21 Weekly Minnesotan Northerner in the South Platte City Weston(OCR)
1859.04.21 Turnpike Daily_Missouri_Republican_Thu__Apr_21__1859_(OCR)
1859.05.07 Weston and Platte Turnpike Freedom_s_Champion_Sat__May_7__1859_(OCR)
1860.06.24 Platte County Slave Census F108_1860_V2_Platte
1861.11.07 Fight at Bee Creek White Cloud Kansas Chief, Nov. 07, 1861 p.3(ocr)
1861.11.08 Fight at Bee Creek St. Joseph Weekly Journal The_Eye_Wed__Apr_25__1855(OCR)
1867.05.17 Wilhite Receipt Bee Bridge Repairs Pla–tte_County_Reveille_Fri__May_17__1867_(OCR)
1867.06.29 Prisoners Murdered at Bee Creek Bridge The_Texas_Republican_Sat__Jun_29__1867_(OCR)
1868.09.11 Sheriff’s Sale Weston Platte City Turnpike The_Border_Times_Fri__Sep_11__1868(OCR)
1869.10.15 Our Turnpikes The_Border_Times_Fri__Oct_15__1869_(OCR)
1871.05.26 Tatman Turnpike Horse Platte_County_Reveille_Fri__May_26__1871_
.06.18 Weston and Platte Turnpike Buggy Murderer The_Daily_Journal_of_Commerce_Sun__Jun_18__1871_(OCR)
1872.01.18 Haunted Ground Bee Creek The_St__Joseph_Weekly_Gazette_Thu__Jan_18__1872_(OCR)
1872.05.08 Weston and Platte City Turnpike Bee Creek The_Leavenworth_Times_Wed__May_8__1872_(OCR)
1875.04.28 Spratt Stabbing Weston and Platte Turnpike Atchison_Champion_Wed__Apr_28__1875_(OCR)
1877 Platte County Missouri Townships Plat Map Edwards Historical Atlas
1885 Floersh Wilkerson Excerpts from 1885 History_of_Clay_and_Platte_Counties_Missouri
1894.11.20 Weston and Platte Turnpike The_Leavenworth_Standard_Tue__Nov_20__1894_(OCR)
1895.02.24 Jim Burne’s Editor Chicago_Tribune_Sun__Feb_24__1895_(OCR)
1895.03.01 Jim Burne’s Editor St__Joseph_Weekly_News_Fri__Mar_1__1895_(OCR)